Online Courses & Tutorials

Last update: 2019, Jan. 7

In addition to the blog tutorials you here find a list of external courses and tutorials on marine data science taught by me (on or colleagues.

General Courses

Course-Data analysis with R

Data Analysis With R: This is a course taught by me as part of the curriculum of the Master program MARSYS at the Institute of Marine Ecosystem and Fishery Science, University of Hamburg, Germany. The course can be used as a short-term (e.g. 1 week) intensive training or in a self-study mode at the Bachelor, Master or PhD level.
The course introduces the principles of data science and how to mine out insights from data to understand complex behaviors, trends, and inferences. It teaches skills in three major areas with a focus on marine topics. Access course website here:

Spatial Analysis

Spatial R

Spatial analysis in R for marine scientists: This is a tutorial on GIS and how to load, extract and analyse spatial data in R with hands-on multidimensional examples of the Baltic Sea and North Sea by Romain Frelat →

Multivariate Analysis


Introduction to multivariate analysis - from 2D principal component analysis to 3D tensor decomposition: This tutorial by Romain Frelat teaches how to apply principal tensor analysis on spatio-temporal data in R and accompanies the article Frelat R, Lindegren M, Dencker TS, Floeter J, Fock HO, Sguotti C, Stäbler M, Otto SA and Möllmann C (2017) Community ecology in 3D: Tensor decomposition reveals spatio-temporal dynamics of large ecological communities. PLoS ONE12(11): e0188205, Access tutorial here: