
Checklist for R package (re-)submissions on CRAN

Last update: 2020/01/10 The following is a checklist of things to consider or do before (re-)submitting a package to CRAN, which I find every now and then helpful when I have go through this progress again. With the release of devtools 2.0 things have also changed a bit from the description provided in the R packages book by Hadley Wickham. So this checklist might be also helpful for you.

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Run Shiny Server on your own DigitalOcean droplet - Part 1

Do you also like shiny apps and would like to host more than 5 apps as currently permitted at Than the solution might be to run your own shiny server using any (virtual) server. In the following I will describe step-by-step how I set up my own Shiny as well as Rstudio Server using Digital Ocean. At the university I already use Rstudio Server extensively in my stats courses, which runs on a physical server at my research institute.

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Run Shiny Server on your own DigitalOcean droplet - Part 2

This 2nd part will cover the installation of R, RStudio and the Shiny Server and is based on R’s Ubuntu packages for R tutorial, the DigitalOcean manual, RStudio’s RStudio Server and Shiny Server guides, and Dean Attali’s great blog post. Table of Contents - Part 2 Step 8: Some preparations Step 9: Install R and packages 9.1 R 9.2 R Packages Step 10: Install RStudio Server Step 11: Install and configure Shiny Server 11.

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Linking 2 computers to 2 GitHub accounts

If you have only one GitHub account and work with a single computer you will find plenty of information in the internet on how to link your machine to your account. Also, if you want to set up a secure SSH protocol to connect your computer to GitHub so that you don’t have to supply your username or password at each visit, a good starting point is the Connecting to GitHub with SSH documentation on the GitHub help pages or take a look at some of the many blogs, e.

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Helpful Shiny apps

Last updated: May 01, 2019 If you are an R user but don’t know yet what Shiny and Shiny apps are, you definitely should read up on it on But in a nutshell, Shiny is an R package that builds interactive web apps straight from R. You just need to write an R script that follows a specific Shiny syntax and once you run the script, the package builds a HTML file as user interface (UI) with interactive input elements (based on Javascript) that trigger certain computations in R.

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